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Introduction to Serialized Cylinder Management

For most gas distributors, their largest – and most valuable – resource is their cylinders. With hundreds, if not thousands, of them being moved from customer to customer on a daily basis, distributors are likely to have more money tied up in these assets than they have invested in their trucks and buildings combined. 

Angela Toland

June 19, 2023

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Guide To Tracking Non-Serialized Assets with TrackAbout

As TrackAbout ventures into new industries and markets, we increasingly receive requests from customers wanting to track assets that are not serialized. This may sound like a complicated task, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

Our software offers several solutions depending on the specifics of your business needs. These will vary if you want to track consumable or returnable items and if you want to record them by count or by serial code.

Angela Toland

May 11, 2023

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Asset Details You Should Be Capturing to Get the Most Out of TrackAbout

Relying on laborious, paper-based processes to track your returnable containers can be both time-consuming and error prone. Instead, TrackAbout’s asset management software digitizes the entire process and puts all the information you need instantly at your fingertips. 

Angela Toland

April 4, 2023

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TrackAbout's Implementation Guide

Managing your returnable assets is easier than ever thanks to TrackAbout’s intuitive tracking software. But it is important that users understand the implementation process to ensure they get maximum value when using its various modules and features.

Angela Toland

March 14, 2023

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Six Ways Asset Tracking Software Can Save You Money in 2023

At TrackAbout, we realize every one of our customers is completely unique and has different needs and requirements. But, no matter your size, specialty, or sector, our market-leading software has been developed to help better manage and monitor your returnable assets. TrackAbout makes light work of even the most labor-intensive tasks to improve the efficiency and productivity of your day-to-day operations.  

Angela Toland

February 7, 2023

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The Definitive Guide To Asset Labeling

We’ve all been there – trying to read the serial number embedded on a cylinder, tote, or other returnable asset wondering if one of the digits should be a ‘3’, an ‘8’, or a ‘B.'

And this could be particularly painful if you’re a chemical or gas distributor having to determine exactly which asset was delivered and returned from customers. Fortunately, TrackAbout’s innovative technology automates this otherwise painstaking and error-prone manual process using smartphones and labels.  

Angela Toland

January 5, 2023

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Returnable Container Tracking with TrackAbout

Supply chain shortages, shipping issues, and rising raw material costs mean it’s particularly tough to get hold of returnable containers right now.

Demand is high and prices are soaring. Lead times for new assets have doubled and it’s not uncommon to be quoted up to a year for their delivery.

Angela Toland

December 6, 2022

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An Inside Look at TrackAbout’s Photo Feature

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words – and with TrackAbout’s latest feature update, that’s certainly the case.

The launch of our new Photo Feature makes managing assets even easier by providing visual proof that a delivery was made – or why it couldn’t be.


Angela Toland

November 9, 2022

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Employee Theft: How To Stop It From Becoming the Biggest Threat to Your Business

Each and every day, our customers transport thousands of returnable containers across the country. Often costing in excess of $300 a piece, these expensive assets cost far more than the contents stored safely inside them. Unfortunately, this sometimes makes them a prime target for employee theft.

Angela Toland

October 12, 2022

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How To Track Gas Cylinders More Effectively

The majority of gas distributors are reliant on their rental revenues, but if you can’t keep track of your assets, how on earth can you expect to stay in control of your earnings?

Angela Toland

August 24, 2022

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