This latest update adds several new features to web and mobile, including:
The ability to create manifests from Branch Transfer Send Records
- Delivery and Return Order Support for non-scanned assets and assets with empty product codes in POD
Route Selection in TAM7 with POD
You can now specify a Route in addition to Branch Location and Deliver From (either a Branch Location or Truck) with TrackAbout Mobile 7 (for iOS and Android) and TrackAbout’s Proof of Delivery (POD) module, which lets drivers and dock workers record customer deliveries without needing a paper copy of the order.
The option to specify a route is available from the TAM7 menu, under Configuration.
The routes you can select through TAM7 vary depending on your working location.
For more information about TrackAbout’s Proof of Delivery module, contact TrackAbout support.
Creating Manifests from Branch Transfer Send Records
You can now create manifests from branch transfer records, for both scanned and not-scanned assets. If you have pending branch transfer send records, you’ll see a new option on the Create Manifest page on the website.
- NOTE: The Branch Transfer Send feature can be enabled by TrackAbout support.
Select “Branch Transfer Send” and click SELECT RECORDS to select the branch transfer records to add to the manifest just as you would if selecting records for a location manifest.
Descriptions When Adding Hard Goods to New Orders
When selecting a hard good to add to a new order, the drop-down list now displays hard good descriptions along with their product codes (Add New Order > Add Hard Good > Product Code).
POD Delivery and Return Order Support for Not-scanned Assets and Assets with Empty Product Codes
TrackAbout’s Proof of Delivery module now supports adding non-scanned assets and assets with empty product codes to customer delivery and return orders through TrackAbout Mobile 7.
With this enabled, any non-scanned assets or assets with empty product codes in a customer delivery order are listed as order line items the same as assets with product codes.
To enable this functionality contact TrackAbout Support.
New Tables for OpenData
We’ve added some new hard good and consumable-related tables to OpenData, TrackAbout’s add-on modular feature that lets you access a simplified, read-only view of your TrackAbout SQL database.
- RecHardGoods — Records the quantity and type of hard good and consumable assets attached to a given record.
- HardGoodProductCodes — Stores your system’s hard good and consumable product codes and definitions.
- RecordDifferenceReasonCodes — Stores the recorded reasons when there were discrepancies in the record compared to the expected quantities.
- DifferenceReasonCodes — Stores the list of possible reasons that can be used when recording discrepancies in the record compared to the expected quantities.
Got questions? Please contact your TrackAbout Support team at We'd love to hear from you!